
Genetic Counselling

The Cancer Genetics Program offers a comprehensive cancer risk assessment that focuses on family history and genetics, along with environmental and lifestyle factors. Breast cancer education and individualized risk assessment is initiated by evaluation of one’s personal risk factors. Individuals meet with a genetic counselor to review their family’s history and construct a family tree to evaluate the probability of hereditary cancer risks. Lifestyle factors and attitudes about cancer risk are explored. A personalized cancer risk profile with strategies to reduce the chance of developing cancer is developed.

By identifying risks for cancer and developing strategies to detect cancers early, genetic counseling can dramatically improve the chances of surviving breast cancer.

The Clinical Breast Cancer Program offers genetic counseling and testing through its Cancer Genetics Program, a program designed for women who are at increased risk for developing breast cancer.

The program includes:

Genetic Testing For Breast Cancer

Genetic testing for BRCA 1, BRCA 2, and many other breast cancer susceptibility genes can be arranged on the day of the visit. Mutations in these genes increase the lifetime risk of breast, ovarian and associated cancers. The value of genetic testing depends on a woman’s or man’s individual preference for information after full education about benefits and risks of genetic testing. From the information gained during this process, personally designed prevention and early detection strategies are developed.